Move well to get rid of joint pain!
All too often we grit our teeth, suffer those niggles and joint pains, and soldier on.
We blame it on old age or too much exertion on the sports field. It’s only when that joint pain become worse that we seek help. At Connective Chiropractic in Basingstoke we see a lot of clients who have struggled for a long time before they finally come to see us.
Our advice is that you shouldn’t wait that long, of course.
Connective Chiropractic is all about both getting rid of and managing your aches and pains and empowering wider wellbeing to get you working more at your optimum. We’re confident and experienced in not just treating the core problem you may have at any one time, but also in giving advice about how to avoid issues in the first place.
Top of our list is the concept of ‘moving well’.
There’s an old adage we live by: if you don’t use it, you lose it. It’s a mantra that fits perfectly with the functioning of the human body. Putting some thought into your daily exercise, even if you aren’t a fitness fanatic, can make a big difference to how you feel and your overall sense of wellbeing.
At our chiropractic clinic we are not just about treating the symptoms, although that is a big part of what we do for our wellbeing community. We’re also about educating and creating an environment where people can easily learn how to take care of their bodies better.
Including a series of moving, stretching, toning or other exercise into your daily routine can make a big difference to your health and protect you from future injuries and problems with muscles and joints. We find that when people understand the mechanisms, they are better able to create the processes that keep them in better health.
For example, many of us nowadays work in offices.
Gone are the days when we used to carry out a mix of manual work that kept us reasonably fit. Often, we’re hunched over a pc, typing away or answering the phone, and it’s no surprise that our posture and health suffers in the process. The good news is that it’s simple to introduce a few simple daily exercises that get us moving well and improves our posture and spinal alignment.
At the other extreme, there are plenty of workmen including plasterers, bricklayers and gardeners who have spent a lifetime getting their bodies into bad positions. Plasterers are a prime example. They often have to stretch and twist their bodies into awkward positions as well as work to a tight time limits as they try to get a smooth finish on a wall. This can lead to problems with the joints and muscles and it’s not uncommon to find experienced plasterers who are working in constant pain.
We generally try to live with these kinds of problem, not understanding how our lives and wellbeing are impacted. It usually starts with a little joint pain and by the time it becomes more serious we settle for it simply being the nature of things. There is something that you can do, however. Moving well is about being aware of your body and how it works. Realigning the body and learning how to create a better posture can make all the difference.
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At Connective Chiropractic in Basingstoke were committed to empowering wellbeing and helping you find the solutions that work with your aches and pains. Whether you’ve got into bad habits at work or simply want to improve your sporting performance, we’re here to get you moving well again.

Connective Chiropractic Ltd,
55 Kingsclere Road,
RG21 6XG
01256 639 452

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Registered Company (10788728) in England & Wales, Registered Address: 55 Kingsclere Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire. RG21 6XG.
Site content last edited 11 September 2023 (Version 1.4) (Version 1.0 - 1st November 2017). Last update Monday 11 September 2023
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