James Harrison Wellbeing launched officially at Super Self Summit 4
James Harrison Wellbeing launched at 4th Super Self Summit by Connective Chiropractic owner and principal Chiropractor, James Harrison.
Connective Chiropractic founder, James Harrison, was honoured to be invited to speak for the fourth time running at Tommy Gentleman’s Super Self Summit. Over the last two years James has been able to share health and wellbeing tips and advice at the event but was always headed up as a Connective Chiropractic initiative. This Super Self Summit however was a tad different. It was the first event where James spoke as James Harrison Wellbeing; a new initiative to help professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners with burn out or burnout syndrome.
As part of James Harrison Wellbeing, James is now offering packages of care for professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners. But, as part of the launch, he announced also the launch of his Inner Circle.
The Inner Circle
The purpose of the inner circle is to bridge the gap between James Harrison Wellbeing and Connective Chiropractic. Its intention is to provide a safe, secure online portal of handy tips and tricks. This portal is closed and better organised than, say, a social media platform. However the intention is to give realistic, beneficial advice to people no matter their background. It will provide content that is broader than just Chiropractic and will cover all aspects of healthcare as well as personal or professional management and leadership skills.
At the Super Self Summit, James announced that the first 100 registrations to the Inner Circle would be completely free, however the intention is to later charge for registrations to the closed group as the content grows. To register head to the James Harrison Wellbeing website.
More videos and content is expected to flood onto the portal in coming months. Owner James Harrison suggests that content will be useful both for customers at Connective Chiropractic and also for those professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners that are making use of his new coaching packages. James states that James Harrison Wellbeing was a natural progression for him following previous popular workplace wellbeing workshops and increasing numbers of speaking events within the business and personal development arena.
The Super Self Summit
James was proud to speak for the fourth time at the Super Self Summit. This time, James spoke on stage with the likes of Ben Coomber, Tim Cooper and Jordan Wylie. The event is set to have its fifth instalment in 2020.
Join the Inner Circle today
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Site content last edited 11 September 2023 (Version 1.4) (Version 1.0 - 1st November 2017). Last update Monday 11 September 2023
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