How to cope with the physical changes of lockdown
Understanding the physical changes to our bodies as a result of lockdown… And how to combat them so you can function better.
The pandemic has caused us all to change our lives in ways we never could have even imagined. Just a few short months ago, had you been told all this would happen, it’s likely you would have just brushed the idea off with little concern. Fast forward just a few months, and many of us have had to get used to staying indoors, working from home and having little social contact.
While many of us have taken this opportunity to make positive changes, that in itself has caused an increase in physical problems. On the flipside, some of us are living a much more sedentary life than we are used to. This has also created complications. If you’re struggling with the physical changes of lockdown, here’s how you can improve new or recurring issues…
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Lockdown Related Physical Changes Explained…
There are many ways in which lockdown has impacted us negatively, one of which is physically. For some, going from an active lifestyle to a sedentary lifestyle has caused an increase in physical problems, including chronic neck and back ache. Others that have taken a different approach and actually used the extra time to increase exercise have seen an increase in injury.
It’s not just during waking hours that these issues are arising though. We have also seen an increase in sleep problems. Many people are reporting vivid dreams during lockdown, including dreams about stress, anxiety and uncertainty. This as well as increased stress during the day can cause you to tense during your sleep or toss and turn, often causing tension in the neck and shoulders.
Finally, those that were seeking treatment with chiropractors before lockdown have been unable to continue their treatment for a number of months. We’ve noted that this has meant a step backwards for many in terms of pain. However, we’ve also noted it’s not taken too long for those receiving regular care with us to get on top of it too.

How to Improve Physical Changes From Lockdown…
It is possible to work on improving physical issues at home: Often our daily habits can make things worse without us even realising. If you are suffering from problems with sleeping or issues related to a sedentary lifestyle, try the following tips. If you are struggling with an injury or problems from discontinued treatment, it’s best to book in for further advice…

Minimise Stress
Lockdown has taken its toll on us both physically and mentally. Many of us aren’t coping well with the lack of social contact and general freedom. Others will be facing financial difficulty, boredom, frustration, as well as struggling with the fact that we can’t plan for the future. All of this causes an increase in stress, which can create tension.
While it’s easier said than done, reducing stress can be done slowly over time with just a few healthy daily habits. Try introducing 10 minutes of yoga to your daily routine, as well as 10 minutes of meditation. You could start the day with yoga to release any tension that has built up over night, and finish the day with meditation to calm both the body and mind ready for sleep. You could also try abdominal breathing.
Improving Sleep Quality
As mentioned above, there’s a variety of reasons why you might be struggling with your sleep. Not only does poor sleep quality increase your stress levels, it also causes physical issues such as tension. It is possible to improve sleep related problems, however.
Try limiting screen time before you go to bed, by turning off all screens and putting away your phone at least an hour before you go to sleep. Instead try reading and doing 10 minutes of meditation to prepare your body and mind for rest. For more tips on improving your sleep quality, check out our sleep series:

Becoming More Mobile
One of the main causes of physical problems during lockdown is that we are sitting down far more than we are used to. Without our usual commute and social plans, we are spending much of the day in a seated position. This can cause a range of issues, usually focused on the neck, shoulders and back. Sitting too much puts strain on the body.
If you’re finding you have aches and pains that have emerged since being in lockdown, try to become a little more mobile. If you work at a desk, or spend several hours on the sofa at a time, program a timer to go off once an hour to prompt you to take a five minute walk. You could just walk around the garden or spend five minutes doing a task in the house such as watering the plants. Try stretching out your back and neck every hour too. Including gentle exercise such as walking, yoga or pilates into your daily routine will really help too. If in doubt of what to do, feel free to ask. We recorded this fun chair exercise during lockdown if it is of use!
Seek Help
Don’t suffer in silence, particularly with issues that have been troubling you for a while, or any problems that arise that stop you being able to go about your daily routine. We are thrilled to be able to treat our patients again, so don’t delay in getting any issues that have arisen in lockdown or have become worse because of lockdown. In order to help with the impact of lockdown, we are offering £50 off our Onboarding Session, which includes your initial consultation, assessment and a report of our findings and recommended treatment. Find out more about this offer here:

Lockdown has taken its toll on all of us in one way or another. By being proactive you can ensure that the impact doesn’t become a long term issue. Put the above steps in place to improve the physical changes from lockdown, or get in touch to book your onboarding session. If you are unsure of what’s best for you, don’t hesitate to give us a call – we’re always happy to offer advice.
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Site content last edited 11 September 2023 (Version 1.4) (Version 1.0 - 1st November 2017). Last update Monday 11 September 2023
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