Working 9-5 and what it does to your physical and mental wellbeing.
Your working life can have both a positive and negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing.
Whatever your job entails – whether you’re a full-time parent, a builder or you’re based in an office – it’s important to look after your mind and body. Work-related stress is a common cause of mental health problems. In addition, over 85% of us will suffer from pain relating to the spine, bones or joints at some point in life. However, there are some simple steps you can take to stop yourself from suffering. Here are our tips on how to take care of your physical and mental wellbeing at work.

Lift properly
Most jobs involve lifting things at some point – either regularly or as more of a one-off. It is crucial to do this properly to prevent an injury. It is also part of health and safety regulations that employees must be taught on how to lift properly should their job entail it. Research has shown that handling, lifting or carrying is the second most common cause of workplace injury, accounting for 20% of incidents. Don’t be part of that statistic – here’s a guide on how to lift properly here. However, the essentials to remember are to bend your knees and arms, to keep your back straight and do not twist at the waist.
Get some fresh air
Getting out of the office for a short period of time or on your lunch break is great for both your physical and mental wellbeing. Research has shown that only one in five people take an actual lunch break. Try to find the time to take a walk, eat your lunch outside if the weather allows it, or pop to the shops. Basically, try to do anything which will get you in the great outdoors for a bit. The change of scenery will do the world of good for both your physical and mental wellbeing. It provides you with the opportunity to recharge and refresh, ready to face whatever the rest of the day has in store for you.
Sit up straight
If you work in an office, you can easily spend up to eight hours a day sitting at a desk. So, it is important to ensure that you sit in the best possible position to support your bones and muscles. This will help both your physical and mental wellbeing by avoiding any aches and pains and the negative emotions which can come with that. Support your back, keep your feet on the floor and ensure your screen is at eye level. There’s more information on this here too.
Give your eyes a break
Staring at a screen for long periods of time is not good for your eyes. This is another reason why it is important to step away from your desk at regular intervals. However, even during those 45-minute working cycles, look away from your screen for a couple of moments on a number of occasions. This helps to give your eyes a blink of a break which can reduce the risk of headaches or migraines. Also, consider getting an anti-glare screen and ensure your office lighting isn’t contributing to glare either. Make sure you also have your eye checked by an optician regularly – lots of employers provide vouchers for this.
Flexible working options
Not everyone’s sleep patterns or lifestyles are compatible with a 9-5 working pattern. If you can build some flexibility into your working life, then do so. It may be that you perform at your best depending on whether you’re an early riser or a night owl. An employer has a legal responsibility to consider any reasonable request for flexible working. So, if you feel that your working hours are negatively impacting on your physical and mental wellbeing, have a conversation and see if it can be changed.
Give yourself a break
The most productive employees are not necessarily those who do the longest hours but those who make the most effective use of their time. This includes taking regular breaks. Try splitting your day into 45 minute segments and do something else for a few minutes around that time frame, like going for that walk. Chiropractic treatment can also help to unwind, particularly if you struggle to relax. From our convenient clinic in Basing View, we can look after you with a treatment around your working hours.
Look after your physical and mental wellbeing with Connective Chiropractic.
We can also advise with how to put workplace wellbeing into practice in your company. Contact James on 07833 585501 or have a look here for more information.
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Site content last edited 11 September 2023 (Version 1.4) (Version 1.0 - 1st November 2017). Last update Monday 11 September 2023
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