Should You See a Chiropractor?
If you have been thinking about coming to see a chiropractor but been putting it off, now is the time!
Going to see a Chiropractor for the first time can be a scary thing. We know about the reams of less great quality information about Chiropractors and Chiropractic online. But, we also know that the common perceptions about our profession often isn’t anywhere near as scary or strange in reality.
That said, we also frequently hear quite a number of excuses that people say to us about why they put off coming to see us. We’ve heard some so many we thought it was right to write a blog post to help others who may be feeling similar.
In this blog, we are going to run through three reasons why, if you’ve been questioning whether to book an appointment, now is the time to give it a go.
- Pain relief
- Performance and Function Improvement
- Wider Wellbeing care
- Maintenance of healthcare issues
- Information about how their body is working
1. Self-care is not selfish-care
It is extremely difficult to perform your best if you are in pain. Yet, we quite often hear of people saying they need to look after others before themselves; a loved one, a child, a dog or cat. The reality is however that you will struggle to look after others as good as you think until you are firing more at your optimum. Above all, get on top of your own aches and pains and you will feel better and be able to be at your best.
2. If it doesn’t help, it can provide you with more information

A common perception is that if we can’t help you it will be a waste of time. As a result, we actually see people often trying to justify their decision to come in to see us on their first visit as if they’ve already decided it won’t work. Stop!
Whilst Chiropractic is effective at helping a number of conditions and healthcare issues, you’ll never know if we can help unless you come in for our initial consultation and see a Chiropractor.
For example, if you come and see us and it turns out the Chiropractic care doesn’t work or isn’t what is needed in your case, we can still help. Our Basingstoke Chiropractor will still be able to offer you some more information about your body, how it works and what is going on.
Initial Consultation
In our initial consultation and clinic on-boarding process, we use a series of tests (orthopaedic, neurological, postural and systemic tests more often than not) to work out whether Chiropractic care is right for you. Our tests help us to identify if we can help and also narrow down whatever is causing your aches and pains so that we can come up with a diagnosis. This allows us to form a rationale for your care with us or a platform for us to refer you to another professional if it is out of our expertise. In essence, if we can’t offer you a solution, you will still have more information that you started out with. We often take a lot of time to test, and are frequently told that we offer more information at our initial consultation alone than some people have gained after years of visiting others.
3. It‘s actually cost-effective
A common perception people have is that Chiropractic care will cost you a lot of money or you’ll have to come in for a lifetime worth of care to see any results. As a result we often hear people saying that the can’t afford to look after themselves and would rather pop the pain relief pills instead. However, It is likely that it will actually cost you a lot less in terms of money or time than you might think (and that’s without even thinking about the health or financial costs related to popping pills every day).
The amount you value your health or body is super personal to you. And, we are all different, so we’d be wrong to say there is a one-sized-fits-all solution that works for everyone. But, studies show that the cost of a course of Chiropractic care in terms of time and finances is usually less than the average time out of work for one issue alone. Indeed, statistics show that the financial burden of continued musculoskeletal issues on the UK and NHS is quite a lot more than you may at first think. We are here to help.
You won’t need Chiropractic care for life to get on top of any aches and pains. You won’t need to come every five minutes to see an improvement. However, you should expect to need to come in for a few sessions at least before you start to feel things settle down or notice some consistent changes. After this, you may want or need more in your life to help you snowball further into good health once you start seeing positive changes: We’ll advise on this as the time comes and the final decision is, of course, down to you.

So, what are you waiting for? Book in for an initial consultation and see a Chiropractor today!
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RG21 6XG
01256 639 452

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Site content last edited 11 September 2023 (Version 1.4) (Version 1.0 - 1st November 2017). Last update Monday 11 September 2023
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