Super Self Summit : February 2018

We were so proud to speak at The Super Self Summit 2018

The Super Self Summit was a two day event, dedicated to getting people to be the best they can be in all facets of their life from achieving health or nutrition goals through to inspiring people to transform their lives for the better.

About the Super Self Summit

The world-class event, masterminded by Tommy Gentleman was held at the Hampshire Court Hotel in Basingstoke on 10-11 February 2018 and had numerous world class speakers including Ricky Long, Darren Toms, Jordan Wylie, Amie Richmond, Terry Anderson, Tommy Gentleman and… guess who, James Harrison (our wonderful Chiropractor at Connective Chiropractic). There was also a panel comprising the founders of Reasons Fitness in Andover and opportunities to exercise with Jackie G.

James was honoured to be at the Super Self Summit after having met Tommy at the Inspire Business Awards where Tommy won the award for Young Businessman of the Year and Connective Chiropractic won the New Business of the Year Award. James gave a completely new talk that helped to define exactly what it is to be healthy and how to get a grip on your goals realistically, no matter how big or small. It was the first time ever on a public stage that James delved into the detail behind his own medical history and gave some of the many reasons for his desire to empower wellbeing and inform health care choices in Basingstoke and beyond.

Review of Super Self Summit talk
Review of Super Self Summit talk 2
Local MP and Women and Equalities minister, Maria Miller, also attended the Super Self Summit, suggesting that the event was a great initiative for the local area and beyond.

Whilst the energy was palpable throughout the weekend, we are sure this has to be the first of something really wonderful. We hope to keep firm connections with Tommy and the rest of the speakers as this is most certainly an event we want to be behind, support and be part of. Excellent.

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Site content last edited 11 September 2023 (Version 1.4) (Version 1.0 - 1st November 2017). Last update Monday 11 September 2023

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