Low back and Pelvis Posture Tips: Gapping The Pelvis

Good low back and pelvis posture comes often from knowing a bit about the anatomy and using it to your advantage.

This VLOG explains what we mean in clinic when we talk about about ‘gapping the pelvis’. It also gives some analogies to help explain how you can adapt your low back and pelvis posture to gain greater benefits. 

As always, if you need more information you can contact us or book in to see us.

Key parts of the video: Skip to parts you need

0.15 – James talks about the pelvis being a bowl and explains what is meant by the term ‘gapping the pelvis’. He mentions about the basic anatomy of the pelvic bowl and how pubic symphysis or sacroilliac joint issues can create changes across the pelvis.

1.10 – James uses an analogy about a cocktail stick in a rubber band to explain the basics of body biomechanics.

1.45 – James explains how restrictions in the pelvis often create feelings of pain or discomfort and yet it often isn’t quite like how it feels in reality.

2.10 – James explains that certain postures can help you to feel better but may only give short term feelings of improvement rather than actual improvement.

2.25 – James gives a pop quiz fact about why a bar is called a bar.

3.00 – Sleeping in bed. How gapping the pelvis is relevant here.

3.30 – Mindfulness of pelvic motions and exercises. Some mention is given to general exercises that may help here. Others can be found in this blog.

5.00 – Mention is given to additional exercises we sometimes give in clinic, but are not really mentioned here for brevity

5.25 – Summary of the video

5.40 – Mention of definition differences between professions and a definition of what we mean in our video.

6.30 – How we can help during the initial consultation and why it’s best not to rely on Dr Google to self-diagnose issues.

The Speaker

Dr James Harrison (Chiropractor)
LL.B(Hons), MChiro, MMCA, LRCC
Owner and Principal Chiropractor at Connective Chiropractic


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Site content last edited 11 September 2023 (Version 1.4) (Version 1.0 - 1st November 2017). Last update Monday 11 September 2023

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