Prioritising Mental Health when Working From Home (Working From Home Tips series 4/4)

Health and Wellbeing is not just about physical health. When working from home, focus in on your mental health too.

More people than ever before work from home in Basingstoke. This means that not only have we all had a significant change in our personal lives, but our work lives too. When work from home began, many people were excited to be out of the office. The novelty has worn off by now, courtesy of all the recent lockdowns. The realisation that we actually like spending some time at the office is setting in too as our work-life balance becomes more frayed. 

With so many hardships and losses, we’re all feeling some level of grief. It might be about the lives we’re not living any more or the loved ones we’ve lost. It could also be stress or anxiety due to technological issues or balancing home-schooling along with managing a full time job. With all that mental burden and fewer social interactions, it’s more important than ever that you not only look after your physical health but your mental health as well. 

Here are a few practical strategies to help you get through these challenging times.

Prioritising Mental Health in Chiropractic

Get Enough Sleep

There is lots of evidence to support the fact that your sleep quality has a significant impact on your mood. If you are not getting enough sleep, you will find it harder to deal with the day’s challenges. So a critical component of self-care is ensuring that you are getting the sleep you need.

To ensure you get enough sleep, you should aim to go to bed at a consistent time every evening. Avoid having your phone in your bedroom, because it will be a distraction from sleeping. If you can, cut out all screens for 30mins  to an 1hour before you go to sleep. Remember, most adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Each person is different, and you need to find what works for you.

Remember, if you feel stiff or achy in the mornings after sleep, read our guide on the causes of morning lower back pain. Our nutrition blog may also provide some assistance too.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a type of meditative practice. It’s about turning your awareness towards yourself. You learn to pay attention to what you’re thinking, feeling, and experiencing. It’s a kind of introspection that has a lot of benefits for mental wellbeing.

There are lots of different ways to integrate mindfulness into your daily routine. It only needs to take a few minutes a day if that’s all you have to spare. A couple of good ways to try it is by using guided meditations found through apps like Calm or Headspace, or perhaps by trying some yoga practices that focus on breathing and meditation as well as physical movement.

Make Gratitude Part Of Your Routine

A straightforward way to improve your mood is to take a few moments each day to think about something you’re grateful for. Studies have shown that reviewing the things you’re thankful for can lower stress and combat depressive thoughts. It’s quick, easy, and effective. Try a gratitude or vision board to stay on track.

Be Strict About Your Work Day

One of the big problems of working from home is the blurring of the line between work and home life. 52% of people are less likely to take time off when working from home, which is about the same percentage of people who are not happy with their work-life balance. So be strict. If you can, keep your work in a room that’s just for work. Then close the door at the end of your regular working hours.



If you can’t use a separate room, try to find some way to create a physical barrier that shuts work away at the end of the day. You need to do things that are just for you, and shouldn’t feel like you have to work, just because it’s there.

Feel Empowered With Chiropractic Care In Basingstoke

If pain, discomfort or musculoskeletal problems are impacting your quality of life and mental health, then Connective Chiropractic is here to help. But, did you know we are also offer general wellbeing care in the form of workshops and events, to help you empower wellbeing? To find relief from pain or to have a natter with us about how we can help, book your appointment online.

Summing up the Connective Chiropractic Working From Home Blog Series

This is the fourth of 4 blogs in our Working From Home blog series. In this blog we’ve focussed not only on Mental Health tips and tricks that will help you when working from home. Other blog posts in the series have focussed in on back pain, neck pain and headaches and nutrition tips.

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Site content last edited 11 September 2023 (Version 1.4) (Version 1.0 - 1st November 2017). Last update Monday 11 September 2023

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